Thursday, March 31, 2011

MERA PEAK 6476 m Climbing

Amphu Laptcha Pass 5845m during the trekking
Flight Kathmandu / Lukla and Trek to Phakding Phakding to Namche Bazar Namche Bazar to Thame Monastry Thame Monastry to Marulung Marulung RENJO LA 5417 m. Gokyo Restday or GOKYO KANG 5483 m. Gokyo Gokyo to Dragnag Dragnag CHO LA 5420 m. Dzonglha Dzonglha Lobuche and Camp near Kongma La Camp near Kongma La KONGMA LA 5545 m. Chhukung Rest day in Chhukung Chhukung to Ampulapcha Highcamp Ampulapcha Highcamp AMPULAPCHA 5845 m.Panch Pokhari Panch Pokhari Hunku Valley an Camp near Mera La Camp near Mera La MERA LA 5415 m. Mera High Camp Mera Highcamp summit MERA PEAK 6476 m. Khare Khare to Gondishung Gondishung Zatr Teng Pass Lukla Restday for any Delays Flight from Lukla to Kathmandu

1 Kathmandu arrival

2 Fee days in kathmandu

3 Pokhara / Jomsom flight and trek to Kagbeni: (2800m):
Easy walking along the riverside to Jomosom, the district capital of Mustang, which is the most interesting town in the area. The spectacular views of Nilgiri, Dhaulagiri, Tukuche peak and Dhampus peak will make you buy some extra rolls of film. Arrive at Kagbeni, the entry point of the upper Mustang.

4 Kagbeni to Chele: (3060m):
There is a trail along the east bank of the Kaligandaki that climbs over numerous ridges as it heads north and reaches Tangbe village. The town is a labyrinth of narrow alleys amongst whitewashed houses, fields of buckwheat, barley, wheat and apple orchards. Nilgiri peak, which dominates the southern skyline at Kagbeni, looms massively at the foot of the valley. Beyond Tangbe we reach Chhusang village and cross the river there. Continuing north, climbing up the trail, we reach a huge red mass of conglomerate that has fallen from the cliff above, forming a tunnel through which the Kaligandaki follows. The trek now leaves the Kaligandaki valley and climbs steeply up a rocky gully to Chele at 3030m. The culture changes from the Managi culture to that of the Tibetan of Lo from this point.

5 Chele to Geling: (3510m):
The climb continues through steep, treeless, waterless terrain, along the side of a spectacular steep canyon to a pass and cairn of rock at 3540m. This is followed by a long gradual descent to some chortens on a ridge before descending further on a pleasant trail to Samar. The Annapurna, still dominated by Nilgiri, is visible far to the south. Climb above Samara to a ridge, and then descend into a large gorge and to another valley field. Cross a stream and climb up to a ridge at 3800m. The route climbs over yet another pass, follows a ridge and then descends to Shyangmochen. From there gently climb to a pass at 3770m and descend to Geling.

6 Geling to Charang: (3620m):
From Geiling the trail climbs gently up to the interesting pass on NYI LA and descends below blue, grey and red cliffs across the valley to a steel bridge across the Tangmar Chu River. We then climb past what is perhaps the longest and most spectacular stretch of main walls in Nepal. Climb over another pass at 3600m then make a long gentle descent to Charang. The huge five-story white Dzong and red Gompa makes an interesting visit in which to observe collections of statues and Thankas as well as numerous paintings of seated Buddha's.

7 Charang to LO Manthang: (3890m):
The trail descends for about 100m from Charang, crosses the Charang-Chu and climbs steeply via a rocky trail to a cairn on a ridge and continues to climb. Finally, from a ridge at 3850m, there is a view of the walled city of LO. After a short descent cross a stream before climbing up to the plateau of LO Manthang.

8 Lomanthan

9 LO Manthang:
There are four major attractions, and several other places to visit, here. The Tall Champa Lakhang 'good house', the red Thugchen Gompa, Chyodi Gompa and the entrance hall are the main attractions of this town. Another attraction is the four-story building of the King Palace as well as the surrounding panoramic views of the Himalayas. Besides LO Manthang there are two other interesting valleys worth visiting: The western Tingkhar, the site of the King's summer Palace, Kimling and Phuwa as well as the Gompa of Nangyals 'The Monastery of Victory', which is the newest and most active Gompa in LO. The eastern valley contains Chosar, the site of a high school, Garphu and Nyphu Gompa.This is the main trading route to Lhasa

10 LO Manthang to Ghami via Gekar:
The trail climbs steadily to a pass marked by a cairn offering a last glimpse of LO Manthang. The trail contours past two small ridges and valleys before crossing a ridge at 4070m and descending southwards through two more valleys, meadows and a stream. The trail then makes a long rocky descent to Gekar. LO Gekar Gompa is older than Samye Gompa in Tibet and is one of the oldest Gompas in Nepal. We cross a ridge after a little climbing and drop down steeply to Thamar village. The trail descends alongside the stone walls and fields of extensive villages before climbing to a ridge. It is a short descent from there to Ghami (3490m)

11 Ghami to Samar: (3160 m):
From Ghami climb to Nyi LA and descend to Samar via the outward route

12 Samar to Kagbeni: (2800):
Return trek to Kagbeni.

13 Kagbeni to Jomsom: (2750m):

14 Jomsom /Pokhara /Kathmandu flight